Happy Fathers Day!

June 15, 2018

In Loving Memory:

Father of the fatherless and protector of widows
is God in his holy habitation.
Psalm 68:5

Father, my God, and the Rock of my salvation.’
Psalm 89:26

And he said, “I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.”
Exodus 3:6

Fathers Day, a day set aside to honor our fathers. Like other special days, this day is full of emotions. Some celebrate as new fathers with a sense of excitement and awe. Some celebrate as old fathers, full of life’s wonders and accomplishments. There are those who celebrate in memory of fathers gone onto eternity, some mourn and some reminisce. There are those who never knew their fathers, and some who wish they didn’t.

The fantastic news is that we all have a father who loves us just the way we are. Who meets every need, fills us with hope and love. A father we can call daddy at all times, that will always be there with us and always holding us close. The one who made us who we are, and loves us as we are. As we celebrate Father’s Day this year, my prayer is that you may find comfort, peace, love, joy, and contentment in our Heavenly Father. Talk to Him, listen to Him, rest in Him! He gave His one and only Son for us so we can spend eternity with Him. That’s how much He loves us!


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