The Story of a Teenage Dyslexic Promo Blog

Story Time with Debbie

Coming Soon: FORBIDDEN: Mission JVR

Debbie is the author of the Story of a
Teenage Dyslexic and a graduate of two
of the Institute of Children’s Literature
Debbie has received a certificate
of training from Woman’s Missionary
Union for Christian Woman Job Corps
(CWJC). Her experience includes
attendance on the board of directors for
the Indianapolis CWJC, as well as the treasurer on the Wellspring
board of directors,a homeless shelter for families.
More importantly, God placed a passion in Debbie’s soul to
reach out to women by sharing His name.While planning and pre-
paring to start a CWJC in her hometown, God directed Debbie to
write a book,sharing the vision around the world.
Forbidden: Mission JVR describes how a ministry calling, JVR,
is given to an everyday mother and wife, how it’s networked with
other ministries and what happens when one person listens to God’s
calling. The idea is to help dependent women learn to be indepen-
dent by dependence on God. JVR teaches responsibility to God, self,
family, and community. It networks with other churches, ministries,
and programs, while filling in the gaps.
The fictitious story entertains the reader while giving real infor-
mation, usable in a real ministry situation. Forbidden: Mission JVR
illustrates the idea of the ripple effect. If we are obedient to God in
our lifetime,the influence ripples out beyond our imagination.


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