Negative People
April 22, 2017
What can I say? Negative people are all over! And to make it worse many times they are in our family and close friends. We can’t get away from them. And sometimes we are the negative person. I’m so glad God is a positive God! So many times I’ve gone to Him in prayer, just to get help with the negativity. Sometimes We can ignore it, sometimes we can run away from it, but unfortunately most times we face it. It can bring us down, depress us, destroy our dreams, relationships, and deem us paralyzed. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Prayer, Bible reading, and worship music have been helpful tools since I can remember. We’re so blessed to have a touchable God through Jesus Christ that we can run to. Sometimes I listen to a negative vibe and dwell in it. I forget that I don’t have to stay there. Personally I think it’s a growth thing, a learning process. When we learn how powerful prayer and scripture are, we remember to go to God with it. I’ve also found, like I’ve heard over and over, that prayer for others helps us forgive and changes our own attitude, softening us and allowing us to be free in Christ and have a loving attitude. Try it next time you come across a negative person, give it to God, pray for help, praise God, run if you can. I still struggle, but I can honestly say, when I do these things, I have a positive attitude with peace and love! What are your experiences!