I Have a Secret

1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 Pray constantly.
for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
As most of us do, I do have a secret. I’ll share this with you and be perfectly honest.
I am not a good prayer warrior. Yea you heard me right. I am not eloquent with my words, or have powerful prayers. But one thing I will assure you, when I say I’m going to pray, I will pray. When I am asked to pray for somebody or something, I will pray. I pray often, as I remember, or as God reminds me.
My prayers are simply talking to God. Yes He is Holy. Yes He is almighty and I am not worthy to speak to Him. But, and here’s the huge BUT! He made me, He loves ME. He gave His Son for ME! He sent His Holy Spirit for ME! He is my Holy Father! He wants me to talk to Him. I am grateful that I have a Heavenly Father who loves me so much, He wants to hear from me. (This is for each and every one of you too!)
My prayers are very simple, and sometimes rambling. My prayers are boring and repetitive, so much so I wonder if they are even heard by God. My prayers can be selfish, shallow, and even meaningless. And to justify I’m not saying I don’t have faith my prayers are being heard. What I’m saying is, sometimes I wonder if my prayers are genuine prayers, or am I simply talking to myself. But here’s the thing. The Holy Spirit who lives in me, knows me better than I know myself. The Holy Spirit lifts prayers to God, even when I don’t have a clue.
With all this being said, as a child of God, it’s ok not to have the perfect prayer life. We do prayer the best we know to do prayer. God has blessed some with the Spiritual Gift of prayer. I’ve heard and experienced people with this Spiritual Gift, and it’s amazing!
Now, we as children of God, have the responsibility and direction to pray. Pray continuously as we are told in Gods word. And we are to believe in Faith and know that God answers our prayers. However, not all of us pray equally. We each have our own personalities, Spiritual Gifts, and voices.
I’m very sad at what I hear and read in the news, on social media, and in the world. And it’s from both sides of the coin.
It seems like in todays society, telling somebody you’ll pray for them is more of an insult than a blessing. The world seems to see that answer as flippant or degrading, or a way to ease the sayers conscience. And, unfortunately, that is more and more correct. Our world doesn’t see prayer as an action word. And, that’s not Gods fault, that’s ours.
God answers prayers! Granted, it may not be the way we want it answered. It may take a lot of time to get an answer. And maybe the answer is no, but we don’t want to hear that answer. The point is, prayer is the best thing to do in any and all situations! And God always answers! He listens to the prayers of His children. Prayer is the most important and powerful thing to do!
So, why does the world not want to hear that response? Because some of the ones saying it are in fact, just saying it.
When a person says they are praying or will pray, and do, something always happens.
Maybe The answer will immediately happen.
Maybe the answer is something the praying person can do or give to the needed situation.
Maybe, Gods answer is beyond our understanding and/or timing.
Maybe, the prayer is being answered but the recipient is too hardened to receive it.
But the fact remains, if a person truly means it when they say they will be praying, God answers.
I myself am hesitant to tell somebody I’m praying for them. Not because I don’t want to pray, but because I don’t want the other person to take it the wrong way. Usually I still pray for them. But I am not perfect, and sometimes I do get preoccupied. And that’s another reason why I hesitate, because when I say I’ll pray, I take it seriously and don’t want to take any chances that I might drop the ball.
Even I cringe when somebody tries to console me by saying I’m in their prayers and thoughts. Because I even wonder if they are just saying that.
It took me being in prayer about my attitude. God comforted me and told me that the people who say that, even if they aren’t following through, #1 I don’t know if they are following through or not and #2 they mean well, and are trying to be sympathetic. So now I accept that as a positive gesture. But so many in our world are offended by that.
The other day, I found a strangers rings randomly on a bathroom sink. Miraculously I was able to find the owner. This stranger was so grateful, she asked my name. She said she wanted to know my name so she could pray for me. That meant so much to me. Because that was more than a simple kind gesture. That, in my opinion, was authentic.
I guess if there any take aways from this blog, there would be two.
- Be carful with you words. When you tell somebody you’ll pray for them, pray! And beware that your prayer may demand some action on your part.
- When somebody tells you that they are going to pray for you, give it to God. Be grateful for their concern, and let God take care of their heart if it’s not sincere.
This world is getting crazier, further from God, and filling up with more hate every day.
Let us, be the light of Jesus in the dark world. Let us pray, even if we don’t pray well. God listens!
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Thank you for the valuable information shared in this article. It’s been very helpful and insightful!
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Thank you for the valuable information shared in this article. It’s been very helpful and insightful!