Love, Forgiveness and the Amor of God Story Blog, April

The visit is almost here. Less than a month away. Rose is pretty much ready, except that her husband is not going to be able to make it after all. She told her husband year’s ago, after one of the major flair ups, not to ever leave her alone with Nova again, ever! And here she was, volunteering to walk into the lions den, alone, for a whole month. Rose is older now, more life under her belt, closer to God than ever before, and knows what she’s dealing with. Not only is she bathing the whole situation in prayer, she’s planing her escape routes. A walk, a shower, going to bed, even taking a ride. Rose not only had plans for these on a regular bases, she was determined to keep the exits fresh in her mind as a response to replace the urge to snap back. A defense to replace her defensive nature. Rose knew she had to be strong and speak up when it was necessary, but she also knew she had to step away and gather her thoughts before she spoke. Nova knew how to press her buttons. In fact Nova knew buttons to press that Rose never knew she had. 

The phone calls were getting more tense. Rose could feel the tension. As Rose said before, it was the storm brewing. The storm is in the air. 

Nova was getting excited about Rose coming for this long visit. And now that her husband wasn’t coming after all, it was a perfect chance for Nova to get her niece alone and repair years of damage. Novas idea of damage was the idea that Nova lost all control over Rose. Once Nova had Rose back in her clutches, Rose will be, do, and act the way Rose should. The way Nova wanted her too. If Rose didn’t want to stay in the basement, she could sleep on the couch in the family room. That way, Nova could keep her office in tact. After all, it was important that Nova showed Rose who was in charge. Nova was getting excited, she saw this as her opportunity to gain back the control that was Novas, the control she had lost years ago.


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