Even The Trees Praise God

As I sit still at the edge of the glistening lake and listen to the soft wind blowing though the trees, I feel the warmth of the sun against my cheeks, and ponder over the seminar I just heard. My thoughts are in wonder. Wonder in my surroundings, Gods creation and how we humans can learn so much from even the trees. I look up and can’t help but wonder about the trees pointing upward, toward heaven, toward God. The trees just stand there, tall, sharing their beauty, making air, providing food, giving life. Wind and fire strengthen them as they depend on each other to hold them up through the storms. Light is soaked in by some trees and then shared with the others around them. These trees don’t judge, they don’t criticize, they stand there day after day. Some trees stand strong for years and years giving fresh air, food, beauty, shelter, sharing nutrients with all around them. Some trees die prematurely, yet they continue giving back life. The fallen trees give shelter and fertilize the ground around them. Some are used to build homes, furniture, to make paper or for fuel to heat or cook meals. The trees uses are endless and timeless, and they just stand there, ready to be used for Gods Glory. 

We humans can learn so much from the trees. At the least we can live like the tree and that in itself gives God the Glory. But He made us to do so much more. If we take our focus off of ourself and redirect it towards God and others, our live’s would be forever blessed. If we let the light shine through us, Gods Love and truth will be shared to all those around us. If we connect with other believers we can grow strong together through all the stress that life gives us. If we accept the beauty God gave us we can know that God created us the way we are. When we accept this fact, it is good, others around us will benefit and be led to Jesus as Savior. We humans have a mouth, feet, hands and soul and can go the extra step. We can do more, share more, be used more, worship more. 

We can ask ourself, what talent has God given me? What fruit does God bless me with? How can I share these things with all around me? The tree stands there with its fruit hanging from the tree available to all who wants it and they are free to take it. The tree doesn’t force anything on anybody, yet it’s available for all who reach out and takes it. No matter what God has gifted us with, no matter how useful we feel it is or is not, God uses it. 

Let’s learn from the trees, and then make that extra effort to combine all the lessons we have learned with our God given human abilities and gifts.

“Then the trees of the forest will shout for joy before the Lord, for He is coming to judge the earth.”

‭‭1 Chronicles‬ ‭16‬:‭33‬ ‭HCSB‬‬


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