Shine Gods Light!
October 21, 2018
“That light shines in the darkness, yet the darkness did not overcome it.”
John 1:5 HCSB
The Bible talks about a light shining in the darkness. There are several mentions of this in scripture. Remember the song let this little light shine, don’t hide it under a bushel? Darkness can never over take light, let me say that again and wrap my head around that, darkness can never take over light, but light always takes over darkness. The only way to get rid of light is to turn it off, or hide it. Darkness no matter how dark it gets, will not cover up the light unless the light goes out or hides. I know I’m being repetitive about this.
A special friend wrote something so sweet to me this week. She wrote, my light shines on the hill. That may mean nothing to anybody else, but that little phrase and the verse of the day listed with this blog, are enough to keep me going. Enough to give me the encouragement and fuel to keep busy with God’s work. To be one small tiny light is sometimes all that is needed, and if I let it go out, if I hide it because I feel it’s insignificant, I may never know who stumbled, who is lost in the darkness because maybe that little spark of light is the only light they will ever have a chance to see. My prayer this week is that we all, His children, remember to read His word, pray for His light to shine through us. No matter how small. Don’t hide your light! Don’t let it go out!