My Testimony

I’ve loved reading the Bible before I was even a Christian, and I thank my dad and godmother for instilling that in me. I’ve also loved going to church and have prayed as long as I remember. However, I didn’t accept Christ as my Savior until I was 21 years old. The first time I remember the truth of Gods Son, Jesus dieing for me,  giving His life in obedience to His Holy Father, so all could be with Him for eternity, that lit a fire under me. I didn’t want to just accept it from a persons mouth that I barely knew. I wanted to see it in Gods word, written. As I read the Bible verse that changed my life forever, I knew that at that second, I had to make a decision. Whichever decision I would make would indeed change my life forever, one way or another. I chose God, and have never looked back. The Bible verse that I base my life changing moment on, that August evening at my kitchen table was John 3:3

John 3:3 Jesus replied, “I assure you: Unless someone is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” | Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)

It was God Himself speaking to me that night. 

Since then I’ve grown in prayer, faith and a close wonderful relationship with our Lord and Savior. And it will never end. My relationship with Christ will live for eternity!