JVR Ministry blog

  • JVR

    Love, Forgiveness and the Armor of God Story Blog- The End

    As this fictional blog story comes to an end, I will say that it has been a healing blog for me. I hope and pray that this blog story has somehow helped a reader or two with their own healing. I started out this blog story in a desperate attempt to share my frustrations with others and to help others in this same situation know they are not alone. But God, as He often does, healed and taught me to forgive, let go, love, and enjoy the positive. For God loves us all, no matter who we are. God wants us to love Him and worship and obey Him. We…

  • JVR

    Love-Fall Review of the Word of the Year 2023

    Reading over my 2022 year end blog, I’m reminded that I chose the Word “Love” for my 2023 word of the year. I started off my 2023 Facebook group, “Prayer, Reading And Travel”, by trying to encourage weekly online Bible studies about “Love”.  My prayer is that encouragement, support, peace, truth, and “Love” will reach at least one person. Hopefully more, but at least one. Jesus died for every single human, that ever was, is, and ever will be. That’s means you!  I want to start a Fall Bible study open to all who are interested. I would love the interaction, but that is a personal preference of yours, whether…

  • JVR,  Prayer

    Happy Mothers Day 2022!

    I want to tell you a story of when I made Mother of the Year at our church. No, this is not a bragging story about myself. This is a story of self pity, a lack of faith, and listening to the enemy. This is a true story and happened many years ago. Back when we had three boys. A set of twins and a single. I was homeschooling them at that point in time, the twins were in second grade and our single in kindergarten. To give some backstory, I had always wanted a girl. I had a girls name picked out since I can remember. With having three…

  • JVR,  Prayer

    To Old To Be About Gods Kingdom?

    I’m old, yes, but I’m not going to tell you how old. Old enough that my children are all grown and have families of their own. Old enough to remember when I was my children’s age, how crazy busy it was working in the church, raising our family, working a full time job, volunteering, and well…being busy!  I remember at one point  being on the church’s nominating committee. I remember hearing reports of the older people in our church, my age now, refuse the invitation to be a servant in the church. I remember one particular comment, “I’ve paid my dues.” I thought it was sad then and think it is…

  • JVR


    I’ve just cleaned up my website blogs! 40,000 spam comments throughout all 218 blogs!  First, let me apologize if any of these spam comments caused any of you discomfort or inconvenience! AND let me apologize because IF you did leave a comment on the website it did get deleted.  I now have a program in place to keep away the spam, however the 40,000 were approved so I manually took them off. Needless to say all of the comments got deleted.  Most of the spam were ads or junk, but quite a few were nasty and offensive.  This being said, I’ve spent some time looking over my blogs these past…

  • Book Reviews,  JVR

    Book Review by Debbie Hymer: Dangerous Virtues

    Dangerous Virtues John Koessler Let me start off by saying this book is not an easy read. Let me explain. I am not a highly educated person but, I have a fair amount of education, some college and plenty of life experience. I can read a book with words not in my vocabulary and provocative thoughts however, it is a slow and cumbersome experience. Not a reading experience I typically enjoy. This book does have that type of content to be fair. The reasoning behind my explanation in the first sentence of this review has more to do with its convicting and deep, thought provoking content. The writer has written…

  • Book Reviews,  JVR

    Book Review by Debbie Hymer: Motherhood Without All the Rules

    Motherhood Without All the Rules Maggie Combs All my life I have been confused by pride and self-doubt. This is a hard lesson to understand and fully comprehend, and an even harder lesson to learn and move forward positively. Maggie Combs book, “Motherhood Without All the Rules” touches on this concept and opens our eyes on the truths. Instead of being filled with guilt, and instead of being filled with pride, Maggie gently leads the reader to being filled with God’s Grace. To living in a relationship with our Heavenly Father. Raising four children, I have struggled with many of the topics Maggie touches on. Though I have learned by…

  • JVR

    God’s Glory

    I’ve been thinking about what to write for this months (July) blog. We just celebrated Independence Day, here in America. With all the news about politics, viruses, freedom, our future, what can I write about that hasn’t already been written? As I skim social media, I see picture and picture of people wearing masks. When I go out to the store, people are wearing masks. This is not a local phenomenon, it’s world wide. Masks. Plain, fancy, decorative, creative, stylish, masks. But it’s covering our smiles!The social distancing is keeping us humans from our basic need, touch. We’re being isolated from each other, unable to hug and greet with a…

  • JVR

    Setting up Prayer Teams #2

    We can’t rush God. We must pray and listen to what our next step is. This is so important. We can set goals. We can prepare. We can save. We can be about God’s business where we are at. BUT…we can not rush God. How do we know if we are self procrastinating or waiting on God? Great question. Read some of my prayer blogs and the answer can be found quickly. We need to be in a relationship with our Savior. We need to be in prayer without ceasing. We need to be worshiping the Heavenly Holy Father. We need to be in His Word. Sometimes we need to…

  • JVR

    Setting up Prayer Teams #1

    “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10 So? How’d it go? Do you have your Executive Prayer team all lined up? Do you have all of their contracts signed and in your files for your ministry? It’s okay if you don’t. I’m not there yet either. I did have a team, before I moved across country, but now I need a new team. I’m still working on this. It’s the most important step, next to knowing what God wants you to do. If you’re having problems, let me know and we can pray about…