Prayer Closet

April 1, 2017

“But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.” Matthew 6:6 

Have you watched the movie, War Room? It’s a great movie. It reminds me so much of my mother-in-law. And it really makes you think about the power of prayer. What an Awesome God we have! It also started a buz about prayer closets, funny how fads come and go. But is a prayer closet a fad?

About a year ago a friend of mine showed me her prayer closet. It was an actual closet dedicated to her prayer time, set up with a chair, side table, and Bible. I hate to admit this, but I was actually jealous. I know that seems silly, but to be perfectly honest, that’s the feeling I had. Maybe it was because I didn’t have a ‘special’ place to pray, or maybe I felt less ‘religious’, or not obedient.

As I wrote in an earlier blog, my prayers are in bits and pieces. Sometimes I write in my journal, sometimes a mental vision, and sometimes a fleeting thought. My prayers are continual, but random. I fall asleep when I pray at night, get sidetracked during my special prayer time. Yet, the other day, after two months of not driving, I found myself speaking out loud in the car to God. On my way to work, by myself, in the car, I was talking to God audibly like I would a friend or family member. God revealed to me at that very moment that I hadn’t spoken out loud to him since the morning of the accident, two months before. Yes, I’ve prayed, worshiped, prayed verbally over meals, enjoyed the peace of the Holy Spirit, and even the presence of the Lord. But, even home, alone, I hadn’t audibly spoken to Him. Even, now as I’m typing this blog, I’m praying to God in my head and heart, not audibly. My Heavenly Father, OUR Heavenly Father, revealed to me that the car is MY Prayer Closet! That’s just the coolest thing to me. Don’t ask me why, but obviously God knows how much that means to me.

What is your Prayer Closet?

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