Special Words

April 5, 2017

“Rejoice in Hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” Romans 12:12

Words I hold dear.

Holy, Awesome, Promise, Prayer.

Holy: Use only to describe the Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Spirit.

Awesome: Use only to describe the Holy Trinity and Give them Glory!

Promise: Use only if absolutely sure follow-through is imminent.

Prayer: Use only if sincere about praying for Gods perfect will.

These four words are words that I hold dear. I keep separate and protect from misuse in my vocabulary. Why? Words are used for so many reasons these days that sometimes they lose their true identity. My children would get so mad at me when I wouldn’t promise something. I would say, I’d try, I’ll do my best, or I hope so. When I use the word, promise, I want to be able to follow through. Life happens and is out of our control. If I only use the word promise on a sure thing, my integrity stays intact. Others will trust what I say when they hear me say the word promise. The same goes for the word Prayer. A real prayer, honest prayer, will speak to the pray-er as well as the pray-ee. That’s why if I want to give my money or time to someone or something I will commit to pray first. God will speak to the pray-er if they are to involved in any way. I’m slow to offer a prayer for somebody because I know how forgetful I am. If I do offer to pray, I often will pray silently as I write ‘praying’ or say I’m praying. I love it when my brothers and sisters in Christ stop what they are doing and verbally pray for me! I’m a little bashful when it comes to doing this. That’s something I need to work on.

I do treasure all those that have been praying for me and our family since my accident. OH, How I feel the prayers!

Today on the radio, K-Love, they were talking about the importance of prayers. Sometimes in a situation a person will say, the least I can do is pray. Like they said on K-Love, prayer is not the least a person can do, it’s the most a person can do. How true is this! IF a person says they’ll pray for you, and they mean real honest prayer to God our Heavenly Father, then get ready! Prayer is an action word!

God is a HOLY God! God is an AWESOME GOD! I PROMISE GOD will answer PRAYERS!!

What special words do you have?

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